Information / Our UPC team

Our UPC team of European Patent Litigators is in a privileged position to advise and assist you in Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court matters:Unified Patent Court qualified attorneys and lawyers

  • the team includes SIB European patent attorneys as well as attorneys-at-law of the SIB LEX law firm, working in close integration to provide cross-practice strategic advice on prosecution and licensing of Unitary Patents as well as on litigation before the UPC.
  • European patent attorneys and attorneys-at-law are all European Patent Litigators (qualified to represent clients before the UPC).
  • Active involvement in mock trials under UPC rules of procedure.
  • Decades of experience in coordinating complex multinational litigation.
  • Unrivalled competence in European patent law.
  • Cost-effective for European patent litigation in comparison to most leading northern and central European firms.
  • SIB is a leading intellectual property firm of the European Union and a member of the European Patent Litigators Network – EPLN

For queries or assistance on Unitary patent and Unified Patent Court matters, please contact us.


Unified Patent Court Team


European Patent Attorneys – European Patent Litigators (admitted to represent clients before the Unified Patent Court) Attorneys-at-Law – European Patent Litigators
(admitted to represent clients before the Unified Patent Court)
Elisabetta Papa
Elisabetta Papa
Davide Rondano
Davide Rondano
Giovanni Grippiotti Unified Patent Court qualified attorney-at-lawGiovanni A. Grippiotti Mario Pozzi Unified Patent Court qualified attorney-at-lawMario Pozzi
Gaetano Barbaro
Gaetano Barbaro
Paolo Di Giovine
Paolo Di Giovine
Federico Caruso Unified Patent Court qualified attorney-at-lawFederico Caruso

Marta Manfrin
Marta Manfrin

Sara Manna
Sara Manna

Simona Pietri
Simona Pietri

Valentina Predazzi
Valentina Predazzi

Sofia Santoro
Sofia Santoro

Andrea Soldatini
Andrea Soldatini


For queries or assistance on European Patent Litigators, Unitary patent and Unified Patent Court matters, please contact us.