Posted by Laura Ercoli on Friday June 14th, 2024

What makes a pharma trademark registrable? Barbara Besati speaks at G. Benzi masters

On 14 June 2024 our European trademark attorney Barbara Besati  is to hold a lecture for attendees of the G. Benzi masters degree in regulatory affairs of the University of Pavia on which requirements a pharma trademark must satisfy to be registrable as a trademark.

Barbara will focus initially on the requirements a sign must meet in general in order to be registrable, and then expand on the available kinds of registration.

Closing in on pharmaceutical trademarks in particular, Barbara will explain the difference between a strong and a weak trademark, the criteria applied to assess novelty with regard both to the registration of pharmaceutical trademarks and to the marketing authorisation, and finally she will introduce the notion of trademark lapse for lack of use.

We welcome the opportunity to engage with the attendees of the G. Benzi masters; we believe it is important to contribute to the training of professional figures in regulatory affairs that are in high demand both in the private companies and in public bodies working in or for healthcare.

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