Emanuele CONCONE

Emanuele has been practising as a patent attorney since 1992.
He has drafted and prosecuted patent applications both in Europe and in the rest of the world for Italian industry leaders, with particular regard to mechanics, iron and steel industry, waste treatment and vacuum control.
His clients also include small and medium-sized companies from a wide range of industries both in Italy and abroad.
Emanuele has gained extensive experience as ex-parte and court expert in interim measures and patent litigation as well as in EPO oppositions and appeals. He advises on validity and infringement issues and on design protection.
Italian and European patents in the field of mechanics and electrotechnics. Counsel on patents and designs. Court expert in patent litigation.
Member of the Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale (Italian Industrial Property Consultants Institute) and of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office.
Managing Intellectual Property IP Star Italy 2014-2024.
Intellectual Asset Management Patent 1000 – The World’s Leading Patent Practitioners 2013-2023.
Leaders League IP Attorneys 2021-2024.
Italian and European Patent Attorney, Italian and European Trademark Attorney, Community Design Attorney.
Master’s degree in Aeronautic Engineering, Polytechnic University of Milan.