Emanuele DE SANDRE

Emanuele began his patent practice in 2002.
His activity has focused on filing and prosecuting applications for patents and design registration, as well as on resolving disputes in and out of court concerning patents and designs, prevalently in the fields of mechanics, electromechanics and automation.
He has acted as ex-parte expert in litigation concerning patents and registered designs.
Lecturing and publishing
Emanuele lectures on intellectual property issues for universities as well as for public and private institutions.
Italian and European patents in the fields of mechanics, electromechanics and automation.
Counsel on patents and designs.
Technical counsel in disputes in and out of court.
Member of the Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale (Italian Industrial Property Consultants Institute), of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office and of LES Italy
Italian and European Patent Attorney, Community Design Attorney.
Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, University of Padua.