Sofia has been practising patent law since 2016, focusing in particular on chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and biotechnology. She is enrolled with the Register of Court-Appointed Experts on Industrial Property of the Court of Bologna.
Italian and European patents in the fields of pharmaceutical chemistry and biotechnology.
Member of the Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale (Italian Industrial Property Consultants Institute), of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office, of AIPLA (Co-chair Intellectual Property Practice in Europe Committee) and of the Italian Professional Association of Pharmacists. Enrolled with the Register of Court-Appointed Experts on Industrial Property of the Court of Bologna.
IP Stars “Rising star” 2023-2024.
Italian and European Patent Attorney, Community Design Attorney. Enrolled with the Register of Court-Appointed Experts on Industrial Property of the Court of Bologna. European Patent Litigator (qualified to represent clients before the Unified Patent Court).
Master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, University of Milan.
European Patent Litigation Certificate – The Industrial Property Course Patents, Polytechnic University of Milan.